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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

In order to keep the brain "ALIVE"

That said, the ability of the brain depending on the owner. Dayak people say "used it or you'llloose it" so frequently you do pake brain mulu muscle. (Gaius contohlah can reply .. ato ngibulin officials are officials who fool ya) Oops .. ngibul clever. Wearing your brain means you will be trained and if not then its ability will be weakened or can disappear so that might be residents of the asylum .. aka KramOtak!
Okay, here are some simple tips can reply you use to keep the brain remains "alive":
1. Diligent reading. a time to read newspapers, magazines, or books.

2. Learn new things. For example to learn computers, musical instruments, foreign language, adjust your interest (do not learn to deceive others).

3. Visit the places or areas that have not been visited before.

4. Mark on the calendar .. especially for the dates that you think is important (eg when the maturity to pay your debt).

5. Make a note of reminder, whatever you want to remember.

6. Make lists (daily, monthly) the activities that you have to do.

7. Remembering people's names through the typical person.

8. Given the number of friends, relatives.

9. Save your goods according to its place.

10. Eat nutritious food and vitamin, especially vitamin B.

11. Try to always concentrate on what you just saw, read, and hear.

12. Say the things you want to remember with a loud voice (but not in the market could be mistaken for sale again).

So roughly tips to keep your brain to keep "alive" ... always positive thinking, and make life worthwhile and keep your brain Life.


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