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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to create a cursor on the star-studded blog

One way to beautify the look of their blogs cursors, either change the look or add cursornya's effect on the cursor's star-studded. For example like in my blog, hehe

Well now we are discussing, is how to make the cursor a star-studded, interested to try it? Follow the steps below.

How to make a star-studded cursor:

1.Login to blogger.

2.Select the draft.

3.Klik Add a Gadget.

4.Select some code below (just one).

The script for the star-studded cursor color green :

The script for the star-studded cursor color purple :

The script for the star-studded cursor color red :

The script for the star-studded cursor color blue :

The script for the star-studded cursor color white :

5. Save widget . And see the results :D


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