With the expression of emotion represented by icons (emoticons) on our blog comment box, so our blog will become more colorful. For this time, I will explain the ways mamasang and add facial expressions (emoticons) Kaskus blog in the comments box. Must have known what it is Kaskus and certainly already know and also memorize faces (emoticons) Kaskus is usually used when a mate to love a comment on one of trit in kaskus (see examples of emoticons that aq Kaskus pairs on the blog comment box q).
In making this Kaskus emoticons, not all the emoticons in my Kaskus sertain. I just took a few emoticons Kaskus alone, as many as 16 pieces emoticon (from a sampe p). The only reason why aq ngambil 16 emoticons just 16 emoticons that due to this is fairly representative of all the emoticons Kaskus. Besides the 16 emoticons that aq pake kaskus very often used when people comment on the a trit at Kaskus.
Okey, without lingering longer, I'll explain how:
1. Log in first at the buddy Blogger account
2. Select Design
3. Click the Edit Menu HTML
4. BackUp original template first mate who now, by clicking "Download Full Template". BackUp template is very important in case if there is an error later in the process of making Emoticon Kaskus ntar. So, suppose there is an error entry Source Code, then you can restore (redo) your template as before by using the original template BackUp buddy who has been downloaded earlier. Save results "Download Full Template" earlier in which you want to.
5. After BackUp's your template had been downloaded, give the Check In "Expand Widget Templates"
6. Then find the code below:
(to facilitate the search, use the Find menu with pressing F3 or Ctrl + F)
7. Add (copy) the code below, exactly above the code
8. Then additional (copy) the javascript code below just above the tag
(tanpa tanda " ")
9. Save your template. And complete.
Now you saw your comment box does emoticons Kaskusn appear?
If does not appear, there is an error in the process steps. For this repeat the steps above carefully.
If you feel the look of the template so messed up, to restore the template as it was in before add emoticons Kaskus blog in the comments box, my friend lived restore your original template before uploading a way back.
How: browse BackUp's results "Download Full Template" which already existed on the download icon Choose File, then Upload. Then click the Save Template, then the template you again as usual. Okey, good luck ... Salam blogger buddy.
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